Monday, July 12, 2010

This week I decided to post something a bit different. I recently decided it was time to get serious where my health is concerned. Over the past few years I have noticed that my metabolism has began to show down. I was holding off the side effects by working out regularly with my fitness trainer, and one of my work associates.

That worked well until I injured my shoulder and I put off my exercising regiment and I gained 15lbs of body fat. Looking at myself I knew it was time to stop making excuses, to stop being lethargic, and get back to fitness. But fitness alone is not enough. I needed to go beyond counting calories and moderate training.

Back to the fitness center I went. I had a great workout. I talked to one of the trainers about my injury and he gave me a few pointers. I was careful with the weights. It felt good to be back lifting although at about 1/3 of my maximum weight level.

After my workout I went to the health store to visit my friend and advisor Ken. Ken is well-read in matters of fitness and wellness. We discussed supplementation and how important it is to nourish our bodies with good food from appropriate sources. Ken advised me to consider the Paleolithic Diet. Basically, the diet consists of only eating foods that man eat during the Paleolithic period [before agriculture and farming] Ken encouraged me to check out the PCC store in West Seattle.

Yesterday I took a trip to the PCC store and walked around lost just seeing what PCC was all about. There are numerous choices of everything. I have a lot to learn about food choices. I walked around the store. It seemed everyone else knew what to do. So I picked up a few items walked over to the register and announced to the clerk that I need to pay for my items but first I need to purchase a membership. After paying for my groceries I trekked home.

This morning I decided to make a quiche with my PCC items. Fresh eggs, bacon, cheeses, milk, onions, butter, spinach, and lastly, crust, all locally grown and free of pesticides.

With all this… here are the results. bon appétit!
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Unknown said...

Wow, looks good!

Anonymous said...

Where's mine?

Unknown said...

I would bring it but, I don't know anonymous?

Don Wiss said...

After reading your post I gather you are still considering the paleo diet and have not yet started it? Milk and cheese are not paleo. And I presume your crust was a usual wheat-based one, which is very much not paleo.

If you click my name you can see the diet defined.